Due to a shift of consciousness we become Metahumans..
Currently, the world is undergoing a major shift from an old centrally controlled world to a new decentralized one.
We are beginning to see the value of Blockchain ecosystems. For example, the way digital currencies like Bitcoin have developed. Or the development of ‘Non-Fungible Tokens’ (NFTs) that give value to digital assets. All these assets are registered together in the form of code in a public registry.
In this digital quest for decentralization, we discover the parallel transformation of our consciousness, authenticity, and creativity. When we stop conforming to our self-imposed limitations or other people’s concepts. When we learn to be ourselves again and open our natural universal channel in the creation of our world and the Metaverse in the Universe. The Metaverse.
The start of building a new digital world where instead of commercial interests, the interests of every individual around the world is paramount. We are all equal. Everyone has access to the same technologies so that everyone can build their own kingdom. People will be able to manage assets digitally and transparently, and live in freedom, love, and connectedness.
The Metaverse is the future of our society. It changes the way humans deal with reality. It is a world where all the new technologies come together such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Blockchain and DLT. All these technologies, combined, will determine the future of humanity. It will be a digital Ecosystem, above our reality.
It is the path to become Metahumans..
Fortune Trees (NFT)
About two hundred years ago in a monastery located somewhere in the hills of Japan there was a monk who had dedicated his life to Zen Buddhism. His name was Genshin and in addition to his devotion to Buddhism, he was an artist. He was a writer, poet and at the time worked with the advanced technique of woodcuts. The time has not been exactly established but it is known that sometime in the 19th century he wrote a book about the story of the Buddhist paradise.
On rice paper he wrote the wonderful story of the Buddha’s journey to paradise. This was a spiritual journey that can only be made with an awakened mind and higher consciousness. The story was chronicled in the booklet and decorated with various woodcuts of the Buddha on his way to Paradise.
The little book made its way around the world for about two hundred years before finally ending up for sale online, where I bought it.
The thought of a booklet traveling such a long journey can only mean that the knowledge it contains should not be lost.
When the booklet came into my possession, however, it turned out to be so brittle that the ravages of time had not done the delicate paper much good. I decided to save the pages that were still in reasonable condition by digitizing them.
Here began my mission to pass on and revitalize Genshin’s work. And so, my FORTUNE TREES was born.
My work contains a message to all that we are the strength of our existence. We can grow against a background of our consciousness. This is a shift that we can achieve by finding the power within ourselves. We can experience the beauty of our existence.
We must be aware of where we came from and understand that we can build on where we are going. Humanity’s greatest art project, The Metaverse, is underway. Blockchain technology is changing us. It will help decentralize the world and, in this process, we will reinvent our own authenticity and creativity. We will become reconnected with the universe, the earth and humanity.
My (N) FORTUNE TREES are a reflection of us humans in our path to become Metahumans.
The tree stands for life and growth. The outlines stand for our consciousness shifting to a higher frequency. The background stands for the field of pure information and indefinite possibility. The way we follow on our own path.
Analog 2 digital
Roadmap – Fortune Trees
This art project is a reflection of the artist’s quest for the Metaverse.
During this exploration, an insight has emerged about Metahumans.
Its is the story of people who go beyond their conditioning to accelerate in their soul purpose. Spiritual awakening of humanity is emerging in a rapid rate. We are leaving the era of the man-made Virtual Reality. We become increasingly connected to technology that allows us to literally transform the world into a Metaverse here on Earth.
To restore our connection with the earth and live for the greater good of people, planet & profit.
This art project supports anyone who resonates with this message and is committed to this great transition of ourselves and reality. It is the path of the Metahuman. This project intends to support this transformation in its own way. Each Fortune Tree is an art object and tradable digital asset. It’s the Metahuman’s visual mark and can be used as PFP (profile picture).
The Conscious Coin is the impression of the connecting link between the network of Metahumans. Each initial buyer of a Fortune Tree receives this coin. Non initial buyers who feel connected with the Metahuman path can send a message with an explanation to possibly obtain a coin.
The rest of the stock Conscious Coins (#1) is used to accurately and purposefully build a network of Metahumans.
What to expect
The first collection currently being made is called the “Metahuman collection”.
This collection comprises 1,000 Fortune Trees.
Every Fortune Tree is a unique piece handmade by the Artist (3dgar Major).
There is no timeframe because this art project is an artist life’s work.
To set up of a Metahuman community that are connected through the Conscious Coins. In total there are 10,000 #1 Conscious Coins minted to the ETH network.
The future idea is to build a Retreat for the community. This is a place and Goto to relax, re-connect with ourselves and inspire one another on our Life’s journey.
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